Rev 3 4/13 systems considerations – BendixKing CAS 67A ACAS II User Manual

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CAS 67A/67B ACAS II Pilot’s Guide

Rev 3 4/13

Systems Considerations

refer to the airplane Flight Manual for the specific operational
features of the tCaS installation.

When tCaS commands a corrective resolution advisory, suffi-
cient time exists to perform a smooth vertical maneuver to avoid
the conflict. tCaS II expects five second crew reaction time to
ras, requiring approximately .25 G. an increase or reversal to
an ra requires two and one half seconds reaction time and up to
.35 G.

It is possible to see an aircraft flying the same course and direc-
tion as your own aircraft, yet tCaS II may not consider it a
threat. tCaS II calculates the closure rate of the intruder, and
derives the time to the closest point of approach (CPa). If there
is no closure rate, no advisory will be issued, unless the intruder
is very close (within approximately 1/4 mile). Conversely, traffic
at the same altitude very far ahead may be shown as an ra by
tCaS because of a very rapid closure rate.



reVISIon oF PanS-oPS, DoC 8168: “oPeratIon oF
aCaS II eQUIPMent”:
1. PILotS SHaLL reSPonD IMMeDIateLy By FoLLoWInG

tHe ra aS InDICateD, UnLeSS DoInG So WoULD
JeoParDIZe tHe SaFety oF tHe aIrPLane.

2. PILotS SHaLL FoLLoW tHe ra eVen IF tHere IS a

ConFLICt BetWeen tHe ra anD an atC InStrUC-
tIon to ManeUVer.

3. PILotS SHaLL not ManeUVer In tHe oPPoSIte

SenSe oF an ra.

note: VISUaLLy aCQUIreD traFFIC May not Be tHe
SaMe traFFIC CaUSInG an ra. VISUaL PerCePtIon
oF an enCoUnter May Be MISLeaDInG, PartICULar-
Ly at nIGHt.

4. PILotS SHaLL, aS Soon aS PerMItteD By FLIGHt CreW

WorKLoaD, notIFy tHe aPProPrIate atC UnIt oF tHe
ra, InCLUDInG tHe DIreCtIon oF any DeVIatIon FroM
tHe CUrrent atC InStrUCtIon or CLearanCe.

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