BendixKing CAS 67A ACAS II User Manual

Page 62

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RdR 2000/2100, RdS 81/82/84/86, PRIMUS COLOR INdI-
CATORS 200/300SL/400/870/P90/650/800 ANd COLLINS
WXR 300 (INd-270)

the GC 362a tCaS Graphic Processor allows tCaS traffic to be dis-
played on Bendix/King rDr & rDS series radar indicators or
Honeywell Primus Color radar indicators or the Collins InD-270 indi-
cators. Most of the controls are on the Mode S/tCaS control panel;
however, a remote mounted Mode Select button is required to switch
between radar only display, radar with tCaS traffic overlay display
and tCaS only display.

CAS 67A/67B ACAS II Pilot’s Guide

Rev 3 4/13

Controls and Displays

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