Rev 3 4/13 appendices – BendixKing CAS 67A ACAS II User Manual

Page 108

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non-altitude reporting traffic.

Non-Threat Intruder

an aircraft that has entered the tCaS sur-
veillance volume at a distance greater than
6 miles or altitude greater than 1200 feet
above or below your own aircraft.

Pressure Altitude

Indicated altitude when barometric pressure
is set to 29.92” Hg. (1013 mb). Pressure
altitude is used by tCaS to determine the
relative altitude of traffic.

Proximity Intruder

an aircraft that is within 6 miles range and
within 1200 feet above or below your own
aircraft but does not meet the tCaS defini-
tion of a threat.

Rad Alt

radio altitude. altitude received from a
radio altimeter and used by tCaS to deter-
mine distance to the surface.


resolution advisory. an audio and visual
indication recommending a vertical maneu-
ver to achieve separation from an intruding
ras are made up of preventive and correc-
tive maneuvers described in this manual.


resolution advisory/Vertical Speed
Indicator. a flight instrument that gives stan-
dard VSI indication plus ra climb and
descend requirements.

Relative Altitude

the difference in altitude between two air-
tCaS calculates relative altitude as the dif-
ference between your own aircraft’s pres-
sure altitude and the encoded pressure alti-
tude of the intruder.

CAS 67A/67B ACAS II Pilot’s Guide

Rev 3 4/13


006-18201-0000-r003 CaS 67a_67B aCaS Pilots Guide 2013 0410_CaS 67a 4/10/13 11:12 aM Page 102