BendixKing CAS 67A ACAS II User Manual
Page 18

CAS 67A/67B ACAS II Pilot’s Guide
Rev 3 4/13
tCaS II will display four different traffic symbols on the traffic
advisory displays. the type of symbol selected by tCaS II is based
on the intruder’s location and closing rate.
the symbols change shape and color to represent increasing levels
of urgency.
the traffic symbols may also have an associated altitude tag which
shows relative altitude in hundreds of feet, indicating whether the
intruder is climbing, flying level or descending. a + sign and number
above the symbol means the intruder is above your altitude. a - sign
and number beneath indicates it is below your altitude. a trend arrow
appears when the intruder’s vertical rate is 500 feet per minute or
no altitude number or trend arrow will appear beside the intruder that
is non-altitude reporting (nar). If tCaS II direction finding techniques
fail to locate the azimuth of another aircraft, a no BearInG mes-
sage appears on the screen. See no BearInG traFFIC in this
006-18201-0000-r003 CaS 67a_67B aCaS Pilots Guide 2013 0410_CaS 67a 4/10/13 11:11 aM Page 12