BendixKing CAS 66A User Manual
Page 55

Mode S Transponder
Transponder that replies to ATC interroga-
tions giving an ATCRBS identification code, encoded altitude and
other data fields including discrete aircraft address and airspeed capa-
Non-Altitude Reporting traffic.
Non-Threat Intruder An aircraft that has entered the TCAS surveil-
lance volume at a distance greater than 5 miles or altitude greater
than 1200 feet above or below your own aircraft.
Pressure Altitude Indicated altitude when barometric pressure is set
to 29.92” Hg. (1013mb). Pressure altitude is used by TCAS to deter-
mine the relative altitude of traffic.
Proximity Intruder An aircraft that is within 5 miles range and within
1200 feet above or below your own aircraft but does not meet the
TCAS definition of a threat.
Rad Alt or RALT Radio Altitude is the height above the ground as
determined by a radio altimeter. RALT isused by TCAS to inhibit TAs
close to the surface. Radio altitude above terrain is absolute. As
such, RALT height is sometimes referred to as absolute altitude in
some systems. RALT systems typically function below 2,500 ft AGL.
Relative Altitude The difference in altitude between two aircraft.
TCAS calculates relative altitude as the difference between your own
aircraft’s pressure altitude and the encoded pressure altitude of the
Self Test A functional test that determines equipment status. Self
test differs from BITE performance monitoring because it is initiated by
the crew and is not performed continually or automatically.
Sensitivity Level TCAS I has two sensitivity levels (SL). SL A shall
be automatically invoked using the following order of precedence: (1)
when the TCAS aircraft is below 2,000 feet AGL (if equipped with
radio altimeter) OR (2) when the landing gear is Extended (no radio
altimeter installed). SL B occurs under all other flight conditions. If
aircraft is not equipped with either a radio altimeter or retractable land-
ing gear, TCAS I shall stay in SL B at all times.
Surveillance Volume The volume of airspace surrounding your air-
craft that TCAS scans for Intruding traffic. The TCAS system scans
approximately 40 NM in front of and 9000 feet above and below the
aircraft. The volume will automatically begin to decrease when flying
into a high density area and may be reduced to approximately 15 NM
in front of the aircraft.
CAS 66A Pilot's Guide
Effective Date 6/94
006-08746-0000 Rev 2
TCAS I Pilots Guide 2/8/06 3:52 PM Page 51