BendixKing CAS 66A User Manual

Page 21

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TCAS Range Knob:

The TCAS RANGE knob is used to select the range
on the traffic display. The range selections are 3, 5,
10, 15, 20, and 40. All ranges are in nautical miles.

Note: This feature may not be available in all installa-
tions or this feature may be superseded by a range
control on the traffic display bezel.

Display Select Switch:

The Display Select Switch is used in installations
where the weather radar indicator is the traffic dis-
play. It selects between T/Wx (TCAS w/Weather),
Wx (Weather Only), and TCAS (Traffic Only) presen-
tations on the radar screen. Details of the various modes are
described later in this section under Weather Radar Indicators.

Altitude Limit Switch:

The Altitude Limit Select Switch selects altitude dis-
play limits. It has no effect on the TCAS logic giving
TAs. There are three selections available.

ABOVE - Traffic that is between 8700 feet above and 2700 feet below
own aircraft will be displayed. Typically ABOVE is used during the
climb phase of flight.

NORMAL - Traffic that is between 2700 feet above and 2700 feet
below will be displayed. Typically NORMAL is used during the en
route phase of flight.

BELOW - Traffic that is between 2700 feet above and 8700 feet below
will be displayed. Typically BELOW is used during the descent phase
of flight.

The FL (Flight Level) push button in the center of the Altitude Limit
Select Switch replaces Intruder’s relative altitude with absolute altitude
for 15 seconds. During this period the altitude is displayed in flight
level format. That is, 19,000 ft. is displayed as 190. After 15 seconds
the absolute reading reverts to relative altitude.

The FL function is flagged below 18,000 feet MSL on most traffic dis-
plays unless barometric corrected altitude is available from an air data
source. FL is inhibited on the IVA 81A/C/D and the TID 66A/D units,
but not on the Radar indicator when used with GC 362A.

If FL is selected while inhibited, “FL - - -” will show in place of own
flight level.

Controls and Displays

CAS 66A Pilot's Guide

Effective Date 2/06

006-08746-0000 Rev 7
















TCAS I Pilots Guide 2/8/06 3:52 PM Page 17