BendixKing CAS 66A User Manual

Page 44

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TCAS warns the operator with an aural and visual Traffic Advisory
whenever TCAS detects another transponder equipped aircraft and
predicts the Intruder to be a threat. The pilot should not initiate eva-
sive maneuvers using information from the traffic display only or on a
traffic advisory (TA) only, without visually sighting the traffic. These
displays and advisories are intended only for assistance in visually
locating the traffic and lack the resolution necessary for use in evasive
maneuvering. The flight crew should attempt to visually acquire the
intruder aircraft and maintain/attain a safe separation in accordance
with the regulatory requirements and good operating practice. If the
flight crew can not acquire the aircraft, air traffic control should be con-
tacted to obtain any information that may assist concerning the intrud-
er aircraft. Based on the above procedures minor adjustment to the
vertical flight path consistent with air traffic requirements are not con-
sidered evasive maneuvers.


TCAS should be tested using the pilot initiated self test feature during
cockpit preparation. After passing self test, TCAS should remain in
SBY before takeoff.

TCAS Traffic on the Radar Display:

If the weather radar indicator is used as the TCAS Traffic Display,
select Radar to “STBY”, “TST” or “ON”. Note that the weather radar
RT is radiating when in the radar is On. See the weather radar opera-
tor’s guide for proper radar operation. Select the “T/WX”
(TCAS/Weather) Display Mode switch to display TCAS, i. e., “TA

Before taking the active runway, TCAS should be turned ON. Range,
if available, may be selected to 10 nm or lower. Above/Norm/Below, if
available, may be selected to ABOVE.


The TCAS TA (traffic advisory) should alert the flight crew to use extra
vigilance to identify the Intruding aircraft. Any time the traffic symbol
becomes a yellow circle or “TRAFFIC, TRAFFIC” is announced in the
cockpit, conduct a visual search for the Intruder. If successful, main-
tain visual acquisition to ensure safe separation.

Operational Procedures


Effective Date 5/99

006-08746-0000 Rev 5

TCAS I Pilots Guide 2/8/06 3:52 PM Page 40