Stprintlabel – Storix Software SBAdmin Commands Reference User Manual
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Storix System Backup Administrator
- 37 -
Version 8.2 Commands Reference
Send a backup label to the printer, email address, or append to file
Use on:
stprintlabel {-q printer | Email | File} {-b backupid | -t tapelabelid}
-q, --queue printer
Name of print queue. If not specified, label will be sent to
standard output.
-e, Email, --email
The report will be sent to the email address specified in Report
-f, File, --file
The report will be appended to the file specified in Report
-b, --backupid backupid
Specifies a Backup ID if printing backup label given a backup ID.
-t, --tapelabel tapelabelid
Specifies a Tape Label ID when printing backup label given a
tape label ID
-d, --details
Show profile details
-o, --output
Show backup status/output
This option will format and output a backup label to the specified printer queue, email address,
or append to a file. The default is to send to standard output.
The name of the print queue, email address, or file name to append must be defined in Report
Preferences prior to choosing the option to output the backup label.
Specify either a backup id (-b) or tape label id (-l) for which to format and print the backup
label. Although specifying a tape label id, the entire backup label will be shown, including a list
of other tape label IDs used in the backup.
Use the (-d) option to show the backup profile details used when the backup was run.
Use the (-o) option to show the backup status and output messages when the backup was run.