Storix Software SBAdmin Commands Reference User Manual
Page 17

The stconfigtsm command is used to add, remove and list TSM clients or servers configured
on the Network or TSM Administrator system. This command is only valid if a TSM license is
installed with the Network Edition or of TSM Edition is installed.
When configuring a TSM client, you must first have configured a SBAdmin client
using the stclient command and enabled TSM support for that client with the –T
To configure a TSM Client:
Only the NODEname (-N) option is required. However, if this client is to backup to a TSM
server which has been configure with PASSWORDaccess “prompt”, the PASSWORD (-P) is
also required.
To change the TSM Node Password:
To change the node’s password on a TSM server, use the command:
stconfigtsm –P currentPassword –G newPassword –s Server ClientName
Note that ClientName is the name of the SBAdmin client configured for TSM support.
If the Server is configured for PASSWORDaccess “prompt”, the password will be changed
on the server. If configured for PASSWORDaccess “generate”, a new encrypted password
will be generated and saved on the client. For the latter, the password will not be required
when performing backups and restores of the client.
If you have multiple servers (using PASSWORDaccess “prompt”), you must perform the
command for each server.
To configure a TSM Server:
Only the TCPServeraddress (-i) and TSM administrator username and password (-u and
-U) options are required. You must supply the username of a TSM administrator configured
within TSM that has been configured for Storage, Policy or System authority.
All other TSM server options are optional and will affect the network communication and
performance. These are dependent on the network and server settings, and you should refer
to your TSM administration guides for details on these options.
if you wish to add other TSM server options (used in the System User Configuration File
“dsm.sys” ) that are not indicated here, you can manually edit the configuration file created on
the SBAdmin administrator system created by this command. This file is
/storix/main/data/tsm/tsmserver:serverName. Any options you add other than those
explained here will be retained when you change other options and must be manually changed
or removed as needed.
To remove a TSM Client (node) or Server:
To remove a currently configured TSM node or TSM server, specify –r and the client or TSM
server name, such as:
stconfigtsm –tS –r sully
Storix System Backup Administrator
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Version 8.2 Commands Reference