Stexclude – Storix Software SBAdmin Commands Reference User Manual
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Storix System Backup Administrator
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Version 8.2 Commands Reference
Configure backup job exclude lists. Use to list configured exclude lists, create new exclude
lists, and edit existing exclude lists.
Use on:
stexclude <operation> [options] excludelistname
-a --add
Add new exclude list or add new contents to specified exclude list
-l --list
List configured exclude lists
-r --remove
Remove exclude list or remove contents of specified exclude list
-C, --Clients “clientlist”
Clients to apply is “clientlist” (or “all) (with -a)
-c, --clients “clientlist”
Add/remove clients in “clientlist” (-a or -r)
-D, --Devices “devicelist”
Devices to exclude is “devicelist” (-a)
-d, --devices “devicelist”
Add/remove devices in “devicelist” (-a or -r)
-F, --Files “file/dirlist”
Files/directories to exclude is “file/dirlist” (-a)
-f, --files “file/dirlist”
Add/remove files/directories in “file/dirlist” (-a or -r)
-v, --verbose
List verbose (show configuration) (-l)
-x, --force
Remove exclude list from all configured jobs (-r)
The stexclude command is used to add, remove and list exclude lists configured from the
Administrator. For details on how to apply exclude lists to backup jobs refer to the
User Guide
To list exclude lists, use the –l option. By default, only exclude list names are shown. If the –v
option is also provided, the full exclude list configuration is also shown.
Creating a new exclude list
To create a new exclude list you must specify which clients the exclude list applies to (or “all”),
which devices on the clients to exclude, and which files and/or directories on the client to
exclude. For example, to create a new exclude list applicable to all clients that excludes the
/tmp and /var directores: