Belt Drives CS-25A User Manual
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NW-100 nylatron washer
QTY.(2) same size
CSN-1 Compensator
Flange Nut
CS-25-A-1 Complete 25 tooth Compensator sprocket assembly
CS-24-A-1 Complete 24 tooth Compensator sprocket assembly
CSCB-1 Compensator
sprocket carrier body
10. Apply RED loctite to threads of the output shaft.
Install primary chain onto compensator sprocket. Place compensator assembly
and chain onto the output shaft, make sure that the nylatron washers and rear
steel spacer stay in place. torque flange nut to factory spec. for your year and
model application. *Critical Note, if spacing is needed behind compensator for
correct primary chain alignment, The O.D. (outside diameter) of spacer MUST be
2.220 or larger with an I.D. (inside diameter) of 1.130. The included alignment
spacer meets these measurements.
On Softail models 1986-1999 the removal of the the stock .200” compensator spacer and use
of the .125” spacer supplied in kit, may be needed to achieve correct primary chain alignment.
Also BDL has additional shim kits available Part# SK-1 for 1970-2006.
CS-SS1- Steel Spacer
PATENT # US 6,234,909 B1
Included alignment
spacer,“use as needed”