Overview, Cbl made easy – Vernier CBL Made Easy User Manual

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CBL Made Easy!



CBL Made Easy!

This CBL guidebook is a step-by-step guide to collecting data using the original Calculator-Based
Laboratory (CBL) and a Texas Instruments graphing calculator. It was written in a sequence to be
followed from the purchase of necessary materials, through the setup and data collection procedures, and
on to areas of further interest.

Note: If you are using LabPro

or CBL 2

, stop here! DataMate Handbook, Beyond DataMate, and

LabPro Technical Reference Manual are resources for those interfaces, and can be downloaded from the
Vernier web site.

The flowchart below is, in a nutshell, the entire CBL setup process described in this guidebook. If you
lost everything but this diagram, you would still have the five steps to successfully run experiments with
the CBL.

L oa d the TI-G RA PH LINK s oftware a nd Vern ier

c alculato r prog ram s onto your c om p uter.

O r

L oa d via d isk

D o w n lo a d via In te rn e t

Us e the TI-G R AP H LIN K cable and s oftware to

s en d the Vern ier calcu lato r p rogram s to y our

TI graphing calcu lator.

Us e the TI-G R AP H LIN K cable to send th e

c ollected da ta to the co m pu ter an d view it us ing

Vernie r G raph ical A nalys is s oftwa re.

Co nnect bla ck ca lculator-to-calcu lato r

link cable to the I/O po rt o n the CB L an d

TI graphing calcu lator.

Plug the se ns o r into th e C BL

(CB L-DIN adapte r s ho wn he re

m ay b e neces sary)

Co llec t d ata u s ing the CB L, TI graphing c alcu la tor

a nd s ensor (e .g., tem p era tu re p ro be ).

S te p 1

S te p 2

S te p 3

S te p 4

S te p 5

(op tio n a l)