Vernier CBL Made Easy User Manual

Page 21

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CBL Made Easy!


Step 5: Sending Graphs and Data to Your

Computer (optional)

Now that you have collected data, you can, of course, analyze data with your calculator. However, if you
wish to analyze the data on a computer or print the data, you will need to use the



to transfer the data back to your computer.

Graphical Analysis and Logger Pro 3 programs are not required for data collection with the CBL.
However, most people have found them great tools for directly moving CBL data from the graphing
calculator to the computer for graphing and printing. It is also very good for performing mathematical
modeling and finding the relationships between variables.

Importing procedures for TI-73, TI-73 Explorer, TI-83, TI-83 Plus, TI-83 Plus Silver Edition, TI-
86, TI-89, TI-92, TI-92 Plus, Voyage 200:

1. Connect the


cable to a free serial or USB port of

the computer and to the TI calculator (see below if you are using the
TI-82 or TI-85 models).

2. Turn on the calculator.

3. With Graphical Analysis/Logger Pro running, pull down the File
menu and choose Import From

TI Calculator or LabPro/CBL... or

click the

button from the toolbar. The dialog box to the right

should appear.

4. From the pull-down menu, choose USB port or serial port (COM 1-
4 on a PC, modem or printer on a Macintosh) to which the



cable is connected.

5. If you are using a PC serial cable, identify whether it is a gray or
black cable.

6. Click on the Scan for Calculator button. The calculator model you
are using should now be identified, and you should see a message,
"Ready to Import."

7. Click on the data list(s) that you want to import. (To select more than one list on a Macintosh, hold
down the

key while you click).

8. Click OK to send the data lists to the computer. The data will appear in columns in the data table. They
will be labeled with the simple list names from the calculator. If you want to re-name them or add units,
double-click on the column heading in the data table and enter new labels and units.

Importing procedures for the TI-82 and TI-85:

1. Pull down the File menu and choose Import From -> TI Calculator or LabPro/CBL... or click the
button from the toolbar.
2. Scan for calculator (if needed).
3. Note message "Waiting for you to transmit data from your calculator...".
4. You can then choose which lists to transmit to the computer. Here's how: