Rane RPM 2m User Manual
Page 8

Drag Net Quick Start-2
The Remote Map is used to configure the Versatile Input Port
(VIP) and the RW-485 Remote Interface Port, if the RPM unit
is so equipped. The VIP accepts either contact closure switches
for Preset recall, or 0-5V potentiometer-on-a-wall devices for
Level control. Double-click Edit VIP Properties in the Parameter
Window to allocate multi-pin or single-pin control. Multi-pin
control is used with contact closure switches to recall Presets,
or to select inputs in a Source Selector, for example. Single-pin
control is used for independent parameter control: to adjust levels
using a potentiometer, or to engage the Push-to-Talk function of
an Auto-Mixer input, as examples. See the “Using the Remote
Map” section of Drag Net’s Help (Help > Help Topics) for the
full scoop.
The Remote Interface Port uses Rane's RW 485 protocol to
communicate with our SR series of Smart Remotes. Double-click
Add/Edit Remotes in the Paremeter window and follow the on-
screen instructions to add new Remotes or edit existing Remotes.
Smart Remotes can perform many functions including Preset
Recall, Source Selection, and Level control. See the “Using the
Remote Map” section of Drag Net’s Help (Help > Help Topics)
for more information.
The Preset Window manages the creation and storage of Presets.
A Preset may contain any or all of the processing and control
blocks displayed in the Device Configuration window. Add
blocks to the Preset block list by dragging and dropping them
from the Device Configuration window to the Preset window,
or by right-clicking the block and
selecting Add to preset. Remove
blocks from the Preset window by
selecting one or more blocks from
the list, then using the Delete key
or the Remove Selected Block(s)
button. Click the Store button and
select a Preset number to store the
current settings of all blocks con-
tained in the Preset block list.
Presets are recalled using
the Recall Presets button in the
toolbar at the top of the screen.
When a Preset is recalled, only the
parameters or Remote Map as-
sociations of the blocks contained
in the Preset change; all other
blocks maintain their current set-
tings, thereby creating a parameter
overlay effect. The Preset window
does not have to be visible in order
to recall Presets.
The Palette Window displays
the audio processing blocks used
to create Storage configurations.
Drag and drop blocks from the
Palette to the Device Configura-
tion window to develop your
audio system. The various tabs
(Dynamics, Mix, etc.) are used to
sort the Palette window by block
class. Select the All tab to display
all available blocks.