Rane RPE 228d User Manual
Page 8

Windows 95/98/NT Users
If you find yourself squeezed for room at the bottom of
the screen, you can modify the Task Bar so it only appears
when you move the mouse pointer below the bottom of the
To do this,
1. Right-Click on a blank spot on the task bar.
2. Select
3. Enable
Auto Hide
4. Press
While operating the Site Control Panel in Windows 95 or
98, there is no button-box for the system menu on the title
bar. There is, however, a Close-Window button-box.
As expected, the Close-Window button-box does exit the
Site Control Panel, but unfortunately, it also quits
RW 232.
To get back to edit mode, Right-Click the mouse on the
Site Control Panel title bar. This will open the menu allowing
you to return to Device Edit mode or exit the program
altogether. As usual, a password is required for either option.
Check POWER connection on rear panel, and that the remote
supply is connected to a live AC source.
No communication between the unit and the com-
Set the DEVICE ADDRESS to a unique small number,
and try polling for units in RaneWare (under
Device >
Select, Poll). The unit should be found quickly. If more than
16 units are daisy-chained from one serial port, communica-
tion to the furthest units may be unreliable.
Check that the COM port selected in RaneWare (under
Setup > System Setup) is the one on your computer that is
connected to the unit.
Check that the cable is a standard RS-232 cable (not a null
modem type). If an adaptor is used, it must not be null
modem. The cable must be connected to the RW 232 INPUT
jack on the rear of the unit.
Bypass can't be turned off:
The unit is probably waiting for the computer to download
firmware. Removing and reapplying power to the unit will
prompt it to revert to the last firmware.
Audio hum or noise:
Try Muting the unit. If this helps significantly, the
problem may be with the Input connection, or the equipment
driving the Input. If Muting has little effect, the problem is
likely either the Output connection, or equipment driven by
the Output.
The RPE 228d is intended to connect with equipment with
balanced audio I/O and chassis-grounded shield/common.
This kind of audio interconnection should maximize audio
quality. Connecting equipment with signal grounded shields
or unbalanced connections may result in hum or noise due to
induced currents in the signal path. It may be possible to
reduce or eliminate these problems, although some experi-
mentation may be required:
Try disconnecting the audio cable shields at one end,
particularly between chassis grounded and signal grounded
Try combinations of lifting grounds on units supplied with
ground lift switches (or links).
Verify that all chassis are tied to a good earth ground.
Units with outboard power supplies do not ground the
chassis through the line cord. Make sure these units are
grounded by tying the Chassis Ground Point to a known earth
ground. A star washer guarantees proper contact.
For more information on balanced interconnection and
grounding, please refer to RaneNote 110, “Sound System
Interconnection”(next section).
©Rane Corporation 10802 47th Ave. W., Mukilteo WA 98275-5098 TEL (425)355-6000 FAX (425)347-7757 WEB http://www.rane.com