Rane MP 2016 User Manual
Mp 2016, Operators manual

MP 2016
The MP 2016 is not a UREI! The MP 2016 has many features absent in the UREI. To fully realize all of the benefits
provided by these additional features, please read the entire manual. For those of you who should read the manual, but
won’t, here’s the short version.
There are four dedicated phono preamplifiers. One each for Input Channels 1-4. Switches on the rear panel set each
preamplifier for LINE or PHONO operation. Make sure you have these switches set correctly for your application.
There are two dedicated MIC preamplifiers, one each for Input Channels 5-6. Rear panel switches set each preampli-
fier for LINE or MIC operation. Make sure you have these switches set correctly. MIC GAIN controls adjust each
preamplifier for the correct sensitivity. With a MIC selected and ENGAGED, set the INPUT GAIN control to “10” and
adjust MIC GAIN to just keep the Input Channel SIG/OL indicator green, not red. Set the tone controls as desired. The
MIC ENGAGE switch ducks the BOOTH Output by 12 dB unless defeated with internal jumpers.
All five stereo AUX Inputs are available for each of the six Input Channels.
Adjust INPUT GAIN controls so they blink the green SIG/OL indicator. If an indicator stays red, the INPUT GAIN
control is set too high. This provides optimum signal to noise, dynamic range and MIX LEVEL control consistency.
The BOOTH may select CUE or MASTER as its source. CUE allows monitoring Inputs in the booth without head-
The XP 2016 switch engages the optional XP 2016 processor. If the XP 2016 is not connected, the switch has no
effect. See page Manual-7 for XP 2016 features.
The EFFECTS LOOP switch switches the Loop in (up) or out (down). If nothing is connected to the EFFECTS
LOOP RETURN, the switch has no effect.
The MASTER MONO/STEREO switch influences both BOOTH and HOUSE OUTPUTS. It does not affect the
Two TAPE OUTPUTS are provided. One is PRE-EFFECTS Loop and one is POST-EFFECTS Loop. The POST-
EFFECTS Loop Tape Output has a LEVEL control and may be used as a pre-tone control AUX Output.
The MP 2016 uses high performance tone control circuits that isolate the signal into three bands. The level of each
band is independently controlled, and then recombined. This topology provides full “kill” for TREBLE, MID and BASS.
The MASTER SIG/OL indicator monitors the master mix before and after the tone controls. This indicator should
light green most of the time. It is OK for it to flash red on occasion. This provides optimum signal-to-noise and dynamic
range. HOUSE and BOOTH level controls do not affect the MASTER SIG/OL indicator.
The HOUSE OUTPUT has both BALANCED and UNBALANCED Outputs. Always use the BALANCED Outputs
for longer cable runs (typically greater than 10 feet, or 3 meters).
Headphone cueing allows monitoring MASTER or CUE SOURCE. If MIX LEVEL controls are operated at less than
“7”, be sure to turn the PHONES LEVEL down before selecting CUE SOURCE as it may be much louder than the
Master Mix. The Headphone Output is low-impedance high-current, so do not short the tip and ring together or to ground.
Never connect anything except an approved Rane power supply to the red thing that looks like a telephone jack on the
rear of the unit. This is an AC input and requires special attention if you do not have a power supply exactly like the one
originally packed with your unit. See the full explanation of the power supply requirements elsewhere in this manual.
The MP 2016 contains no wear parts. The XP 2016 contains the following wear part subject to the ninety (90) day warranty
period described on page Service-1: (1) Active Crossover Assembly F 60.