Axesstel PST User Manual

Page 69

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AXESSTEL Software User's Guide


_ Log Message Summaries
_ Log Message Inspector
_ Log Message Monitor
As listed here, these windows each display an increasing amount of
Layer III message information, allowing you to monitor behavior of
the test phone at a variable level of focus—as broad or narrow as
your needs require.
The Log Message Summaries window displays a
continually-refreshing view of the most recent Layer III messages.
The newest message is highlighted by a yellow bar to indicate the
progress of the message list’s refreshing.
This window has a resizable configuration pane on the left. In this
pane, you select the type of messages you want to see by selecting
check boxes in an expandable list of messages. As CAI MSG receives
messages of the types selected, it populates the panel on the right
To open the window, in the View menu, click Log Message



Line Number On: Displays line number for messages.
Off: Does not display line number or messages.
Message Level On: Enables message filtering according to minimum
priority level. Priority types: Red=HIGH,
Green=MEDIUM, and Blue=LOW.
Off: No priority filtering.
OK Control button that saves the mobile message
configuration settings and closes the configuration
dialog box.

Item Description

By double-clicking a message in the Log Message Summaries
window, you can view the details of that message in the Log
Message Inspector window.
This window consists of two panes. The upper pane contains a
scrollable list of messages that were in the message buffer when the
window opened. The list may no longer be current, but it allows you
to view the details of each message for further information, as well
as copy message details to paste into another program. When you
select a message, its details appear in the lower pane. Initially, this

AXESSTEL Proprietary