Srch_parm – Axesstel PST User Manual

Page 105

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AXESSTEL Software User's Guide


Toggles the phone’s sleep state.



on | off


Allows the user to send the service programming code to the phone.

The parameter security_code is a string of 6 digits (09) enclosed in

quotation marks. If the code is incorrect, a message appears and

PST time out for about 10 seconds. This command is required to be

given before writing or reading certain NV items.





spc “000000”


Sends the service programming code “000000” to the phone in order

to unlock write access to service programming parameters.

3 caller_id_available when set to 1; this bit is cleared when a

conversation ends and whenever an Extended State Packet

Response is sent.

4 mod_pwr is on when set to 1.

5 call_waiting (not implemented)

6 NAM_change_alert; module changes NAM to get more

preferred service. This bit is cleared to 0 whenever an Extended

State Packet Response is sent.

7 lock_until_pwr_cycle; if this bit is set to 1, Bit 2 is also set to 1.

If this bit is cleared to 0 (by the unlock_order message defined

in IS-95A, Bit 2 is also cleared to 0.

8 voice_privacy_alert; indicates that voice privacy has been lost

or gained during a call. You must enable the voice privacy alert

in the module to activate the voice_privacy function. 0=voice

privacy lost; 1=voice privacy gained.

9–15 Reserved

Bit Description


The Retriever Pilot Scanner has the ability to operate as a normal

phone with some of the parameters from the Extended System

Parameters Message overridden and controlled using the srch_parm

command. The parameters that can be overwritten include handoff

parameters (T_ADD, T_DROP, T_COMP, T_TDROP), search

windows (Win_A, Win_N, Win_R), and the Neighbor aging

AXESSTEL Proprietary