Axesstel PST User Manual
Page 31

AXESSTEL Software User's Guide
Figure 4–6-2-2
Changed LCD simulator after executing command
In the View menu, click Script to open the window.
The fields and functions available in the Scripting window are
defined in the following table.
Run On: If you click Run Button , The the entire script you picked automatically
execute without stopping (no user control)
The Script Command line can execute or run a single command, a
group of commands, or an entire script file. Commands from a script
file appear in the edit section of the window under Script File Info.
The output of an executed script command or file appears in the
Command Results section.
Color codes help you distinguish between different types of output.
Green represents executed commands typed in the Script Command
line. Blue represents variables and messages produced by the script.
AXESSTEL Proprietary