Axesstel PST User Manual

Page 106

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AXESSTEL Software User's Guide


parameter NGHBR_MAX_AGE.

Be aware of the following:


Currently the srch_parm command groups search windows and

handoff parameters together. The user must override all of them



Retriever currently overrides these system parameters for all

serving sectors encountered during the test.


If handoff parameters T_ADD, T_DROP, and T_COMP are

specified which are different than those being used OTA in the

network, Pilot Strength Measurement Messages will be adjusted

so that the pilots’ reported energies conform to those which

would have generated the respective T_ADD, T_DROP, or

T_COMP events using the OTA thresholds. That is, if the user’s

desired T_ADD is lower than the actual threshold the system is

using, pilots generating add events may have their reported

energies adjusted upward in the PSMM, if necessary, to match

the Over-the-Air T_ADD. This is to force handoffs in networks

utilizing certain infrastructure brands which look at pilot

energies in the PSMMs to decide whether or not to actually add

the pilot.


srch_parm win_a win_n win_r t_add t_drop t_comp t_tdrop



, win_n and win_r are IS-95A/J-STD-008 window sizes 0–15.

For example, 7=40 chips, 8=60 chips, 9=80 chips, 10=100 chips, and

so on.


, t_drop, and t_comp are the handoff parameters, specified in

half-dB units.


is the index into the T_TDROP threshold table given in

IS-95A/J-STD-008. For example, 2=2 seconds, 3=4 seconds, 4=6

Script Command List


is the maximum number of consecutive Neighbor

List Update messages not containing a pilot to be retained in the

Neighbor set, as defined in IS-95A/J-STD-008.


srch_parm 7 12 10 28 32 5 3 0


Sets up the Retriever to operate as a normal phone with the

following pre-defined parameters: T_ADD=14dB, T_DROP=16dB,

AXESSTEL Proprietary