Service programming script file, Axesstel software user's guide contents – Axesstel PST User Manual

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AXESSTEL Software User's Guide


multiple, mobile-originated calls.

Service programming script file

This sample script file programs a DMSS mobile phone.


; Name:

; srv_prog.scr

; Description:

; This DM script file performs service programming for a

; DMSS mobile phone. Most phones take the same basic set

; of parameters. This file should be edited only for those

; parameters unique to your phone. These parameters are

; detailed below and highlighted in the script commands.

; Service programming is performed by commanding the DMSS

; to OFFLINE, then programming the new parameters to the non

; volatile memory (NV), and finally resetting the DMSS

; to use the new parameters.

; With mobile releases 116 and later, you must first enter the SPC

; (Service Programming Code) before you will have read or write

; access to the service programming items.

; Dependencies:


; NV-items are programmed using the nv_write command:

; nv_write itemname { [nam index,] val1, val2, ..., valn }

; Only NAM 0 has meaningful values. Values for NAMs 1-3 are

; zeroed out or set to default values.

; Some items require a nam index (0-3). The curly braces

; are required and they surround the values to be written.

; You must supply every value the item expects. Hex values

; you supply need the 0x prefix.

; Semi-colons introduce comments. Whole line and

; to-end-of-line comments are possible.


; ------------------------------------------------------

; 1. CDMA preferred serving system (System A or System B)

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