Canon DR-7080C User Manual
Page 108

-Menu key ..................................... 19
-New File key ................................ 19
-Set keys ....................................... 19
-Start key ....................................... 19
-Stop key ....................................... 19
Options .................................... 21, 101
- P -
Panel feeding .................................. 56
Paper jams ...................................... 77
-Clearing a paper jam ................... 77
-Paper jam causes ........................ 81
Part names ...................................... 16
Patch code patterns ........................ 65
Patch code sheets ........................... 64
-How to use patch code sheets .... 66
PATCH II .......................................... 65
PATCH T .......................................... 65
Power cord ...................................... 29
Power cord connector ..................... 18
Power supply .................................... 8
- R -
-Air vents ....................................... 18
-DIP switch .................................... 18
-SCSI connectors .......................... 18
-Power cord connector .................. 18
Recommended SCSI cards ............ 25
Recommended USB 2.0 interface
cards ............................................... 28
Recognizing the scanner ................ 31
Rubber roller ................................... 96
- S -
Safe operation ................................... 5
Scan procedure ............................... 54
-Automatic feeding ........................ 57
-Panel feeding ............................... 56
-Standard feeding ......................... 55
SCSI cable ...................................... 26
SCSI cards ...................................... 25
SCSI connections
-Connecting to a computer ........... 25
-Operating environment ................ 24
SCSI connectors ............................. 25
SCSI ID ........................................... 26
SCSI Transfer Speed ...................... 28
Set key ............................................ 72
Setup disc ....................................... 14
Slide guide ...................................... 48
Software .......................................... 36
-How to use the software .............. 39
-Installation .................................... 37
-Uninstallation ............................... 43
Specifications ................................ 100
Stamp cartridge .............................. 90
Stamp unit ....................................... 21
Standard feeding ............................. 55
Stand-by Mode ................................ 70
Start key .......................................... 19
Stop key .......................................... 19
- T -
Terminator ....................................... 26
Transportation screw....................... 15
Troubleshooting ............................... 86
Turning OFF the power ................... 33
Turning ON the power ..................... 30
- U -
Unpacking ....................................... 14
USB 2.0 interface cable .................. 29
USB 2.0 interface card .................... 28
USB connections
-Connecting to a computer ........... 25
-Operating environment ................ 24
User modes ..................................... 69
-Functions ..................................... 70
-How to set the user modes .......... 72