Running the unit 运行酒卫机器系统, Cycling the unit 机器循环 – Wine Guardian Ducted Split Wine Cellar Cooling Systems (WGS175) - Manual User Manual

Page 78

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Running the Unit 运行酒卫机器系统

Check unit to confirm the compressor is running, such as the hum of the

compressor or cool air leaving the unit. 检查设备确认压缩机运行, 比如压缩机的



Initially, the unit may run continuously for several hours, up to a day or more, while it lowers the

cellar temperature. Once the unit reaches the set point temperature, it shuts off and starts to cycle

on and off as it continues to lower the bottle temperature to the set point. The cellar air reaches

set point before the bottles. If the cellar temperature started at 24°C, the supply air temperature

discharged from the unit will probably be 8°C to 11°C colder. As the cellar temperature decrease

to 13°C, the supply temperature differential decreases 6 to 7°C colder.
备达到设定温度,它会关闭,并开始循环启动和关闭,直至 达到酒瓶设定温度。温度设
定点应先达酒窖温度点, 后达酒瓶设定温度点。如果酒窖温度开始在 24℃,机器排出送
风温度可能是 8 ° C 至 11 ° C 左右。当酒窖里的温度下降到 13℃,供应温差可能减小在 6
至 7 ° C 之间。


The remote interface controller will show a “Hi Temp” fault until the wine

cellar temperature falls below 65 degrees. See page 49 for Hi Temp Alarm details.

注:远程接口控制器会显示“温度高”的故障,直至酒窖温度低于 65 度。见第 49
温度高报警的详细信息 49 页。

Cycling the Unit 机器循环

The fans continue to free-wheel for several minutes when the unit cycles off. This is normal.

If the unit is furnished with a low ambient control, the condenser fan also cycles on and off
during cooling. This maintains the head pressure on the compressor under low ambient
conditions, and is normal. The bottom of the compressor stays warm even when the unit is off to
keep the lubricating oil warm and separated from the refrigerant.