Reducing noise from the unit – Wine Guardian Ducted Split Wine Cellar Cooling Systems (WGS175) - Manual User Manual

Page 43

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 Pull the outer plastic wrapping and insulation away from the end of the duct to

expose the reinforced inside duct liner.

 Use tie straps of clamp around the inside liner to fasten the duct collar.
 Secure the duct collar to the unit using the screws provided. Be careful not to damage

or bend the gasket.

 多处支撑软管以防止下垂或弯曲。

 拉直管道内部, 为减少空气阻力更顺畅。

 90 度的弯头使用金属弯头,避免软管挤压。

 不挤压或减少管道的内径。避免限制气流

 使用短而直的管道系统。

 查看配置示意图上的第 11 页上的概述草图,判定管道和服务出口的连接。

 拆下盖板或格栅,然后连接管道。

 检查所有风扇叶片自由移动。

 检查管道内是否有任何松散异物。

 使用提供的管道卡圈连接通风管道。

 紧固卡圈

 使用提供的螺丝将卡圈紧固在风机上,注意不要损坏垫圈。

NOTE: Do not clamp around the outside insulation. It compresses and loosens
over time.


Reducing Noise from the Unit

Consider noise when locating the unit close to the cellar or an adjacent occupied space. A
piece of one – or two-inch dense rubber or Styrofoam with foil face in between the unit and
the wall absorbs and reduces the noise from the unit. In case of air noise use larger grilles or
block the noise with a solid piece of wood or Styrofoam. Sound usually travels as a line of
sight. Sound is reduced when it turns a corner, such as passing through a bend in ductwork. If
the unit is supported from a wall or joist, place a rubber pad under the unit to reduce vibration

选择主机的定位时, 不管是靠近酒窖, 还是相邻的占用空间, 应考虑到设备的噪音。
使用 25mm 或 50mm 厚的橡胶或带箔片的泡沫塑料隔离主机与墙壁之间, 能吸收和减