Welch Allyn AT-5 FAA Transmission Set-Up Instructions - Installation Guide User Manual
At-10, Faa transmission set-up instructions

FAA Transmission Set-Up Instructions
Push the MEMORY button
Select 2 Settings
The following window will appear:
1 Select data for resting ECG
2 Select data for exercise ECG
3 Configuration of transmission
4 Phone No. Modem
5 Init. Modem
6 Further settings
Select 1: select data for resting ECG
Make sure the unit is configured the following way:
Select records for transmission:
<1>: yes
Intervals and axis
<2>: No
<3>: yes
Average cycles (orig. data)
<4>: No
Lead R1: V1 (compressed data)
<5>: No
Lead R2: II (compressed data)
<6>: No
12 leads (compressed data)
<7>: No
12 leads (original data)
<8>: No
<9>: yes
Press ESC to get out of this menu
Select 3 Configuration of transmission
Make sure the unit is configured the following way:
Kind of transmission
<1>: Modem: protocol =CCITT
-----------------Mode setting RS-232/422-------------------
<2>: RS-232
<3>: 38400
<4>: No
<5>: 1
Press ESC to exit this menu
Select 4 Phone No. Modem
Select T for Tone
Enter 9 if you need an outside line and place a comma after 9 to
pause the modem when dialing out
Enter FAA phone number (405) 954-1971. See chart.
Press Enter to save
Press ESC to exit this menu
Enter one of the following options:
Long Distance:
Long distance plus outside line:
Local call plus outside line:
Local call:
Use the Yes + or No- keys on the
AT-10 keypad to toggle between
Yes and No
Use the Up & Down arrow keys on
the AT-10 keypad to move from one
field to the another
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