Welch Allyn LProcheck Blood Pressue (BP) Measurement - User Manual User Manual

Page 9

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With the trigger in the “out” or “pump” position, rapidly squeeze the bulb until the
pointer in the gauge is about 30 mmHg above your systolic (top number) pressure. Your
physician should provide you with this number. If you do not know your systolic pressure,
try 180. The cuff should feel tight and your arm may feel cramped. Note: The trigger
must be in the “out” position or the cuff will not inflate.

Once the cuff is inflated, stop
pumping and position your index
finger over the trigger air release
valve. Watch the gauge dial face
and slowly deflate the cuff by
depressing lightly on the trigger
until tension is felt. During the
measurement phase attempt to
keep the deflation rate slow and
steady, at 2 to 4 mmHg per
second. This requires only light
pressure on the trigger. (Note:
Inflate the cuff rapidly, and
quickly begin pressure deflation
to avoid hazards that may occur
due to prolonged overinflation of
the cuff).

As you start to deflate the cuff
you should hear nothing. If you

hear sound immediately you will have to pump higher before you begin. As the cuff
pressure decreases and the pointer falls, the first sound you will hear is a thumping --
the first of several similar beats. The point at which these sounds begin is your systolic
pressure. Note the position of the pointer.

Continue listening for the thumping sounds. When the sounds stop, you have reached
your diastolic pressure. Note the position of the pointer. Once you have measured your
systolic and diastolic pressures, depress the trigger to the “dump” position and release
the remaining air out of the cuff.

Immediately record your systolic and diastolic pressure.

If you are not certain about either the systolic or diastolic pressures, do not immediately
reinflate the cuff. Wait a few minutes for normal circulation to return to your arm and
begin again. Be certain to record all measurements on the blood pressure record sheets
provided with your kit.