16_glazing_guidelines_ig – Oldcastle BuildingEnvelope 6000 Series Thermal MultiPlane User Manual
Page 17

S E R I E S 6 0 0 0 T H E R M A L M U L T I P L A N E I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L
1. Remove gaskets from roll and allow to relax overnight. All gaskets to be cut per sizing on page
4 plus 3/8" per foot.
2. Vertical gaskets run through horizontal gaskets. Horizontal gaskets should be mitered on ends
as shown in Detail "A".
3. Install exterior gaskets prior to glazing. Corners of exterior gaskets to be set in sealant (Detail
"B) and sealed just prior to setting glass (Detail "A"). NOTE: Clean gaskets and surfaces with
isopropyl alcohol prior to sealing corners.
4. Locate setting blocks at either 1/4 points or 1/8 points, dependent on the size of the glass.
5. Glass bite at typical members is 7/16". At SSG verticals glass bite is 3/4".
6. Glaze openings from bottom to top. Install water diverters in horizontal above after lite below is
in position.
7. Water diverters (FG-1000-FP-2) must be located on each end of horizontals and set in sealant.
8. When installing glass, first wet the top of the setting blocks with soapy water. Once glass is set
in place, push glass against interior gasket at the setting block locations. Failure to do so may cause
diagonal cracks towards setting blocks due to glass bending while installing the gaskets in the
Seal corners at
glazing track prior
to setting glass
Seal corner gasket
race at water diverter
Miter horizontal gasket
to vertical gasket