Mercedes-Benz E-Wagon 2005 COMAND Manual User Manual
Page 53
MP3 operation
Track names must have the file exten-
sion “mp3”.
A period must appear between the
track name and the file extension.
Example of a correct track name:
In the example, the track name con-
tains six characters, followed by a peri-
od and the file extension “mp3”.
Empty folders or folders containing data
other than MP3 tracks will not be dis-
played by COMAND.
If MP3 files are stored in the root directory
itself, the root directory also counts as a
folder. COMAND will then display the root
directory name as a folder name.
Permissible MP3 formats
COMAND supports the
MPEG1 Audio Layer 3 format.
Permissible bit and scan rates
Fixed and variable bit rates up to
320 kbps
Scan rates from 24 kHz - 48 kHz
The music tracks that you can create for
play back in MP3 mode are generally copy-
right-protected under applicable interna-
tional and national laws.
In many countries, the reproduction of
copyrighted material is not permitted,
even if only for personal use, without the
express prior consent of the copyright
Please check the current copyright laws
for your country and comply with them.
These restrictions do not apply for exam-
ple to your own compositions and record-
ings, or for recordings for which
authorization has been obtained from the
copyright holder.
COMAND does not support ID3 tags.
Tips on creating MP3 tracks
In everyday speech, this format has
been replaced by the designation
It is recommended to use MP3 tracks
with a bit rate of 128 kbps or higher
and with a scan rate of 44.1 kHz or
higher. Lower rates may impair quality.
This is particularly true if the Sound
LOGIC7 Surround
has been acti-
Tips on copyright