Automatic headlights - if equipped, Headlight time delay - if equipped, Automatic headlights — if equipped – Jeep 2008 Liberty User Manual

Page 134: Headlights with wipers (available with auto, Headlights only), Headlight time delay — if equipped

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Automatic Headlights — If Equipped

This system automatically turns the headlights ON or
OFF according to ambient light levels. To turn the system
ON, turn the end of the Multi-Function Control Lever to
the (A) AUTO position (third detent). When the system is
ON, the Headlight Time Delay feature is also ON. This
means the headlights will stay ON for up to 90 seconds
after you turn the ignition switch to the LOCK position.
To turn the Automatic System OFF, turn the end of the
Multi-Function Control Lever out of the (A) position.


The engine must be running before the head-

lights will turn ON in the Automatic mode.

Headlights with Wipers (Available with Auto
Headlights Only)

When this feature is active, the headlights will turn ON
approximately 10 seconds after the wipers are turned on
if the Multi-Function Control Lever is placed in the (A)

AUTO position. In addition, the headlights will turn OFF
when the wipers are turned off if they were turned on by
this feature.

The Headlights with Wipers feature can be turned on or
off through the Electronic Vehicle Information Center
(EVIC) — if equipped. For details, refer to ”Headlights
On with Wipers,” under “Personal Settings (Customer
Programmable Features),” under “Electronic Vehicle In-
formation Center” in Section 4 of this manual.

Headlight Time Delay — If Equipped

This feature is particularly useful when exiting your
vehicle in an unlit area. It provides the safety of headlight
illumination for about 90 seconds after turning the igni-
tion switch to the LOCK position.

To activate the delay, turn the ignition switch to the
LOCK position while the headlights are still on. Then,
turn off the headlights within 45 seconds. The delay