Dynojet 250: Torque Module User Manual

Page 25

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T H E TO R Q U E M O D U L E A N D W I N P E P 6

Torque Module Calibration

Version 4

Torque Module Installation and User Guide for Model 250 Dynamometers



Select Options


Note: Before proceeding, be sure the eddy current brake is free and clear of any
obstructions. There should not be anything resting on the eddy current brake or
the dynamometer drum during this procedure.


Enter the Torque Module calibration value.

Enter the calibration number stamped on the calibration arm extension. If
you do not have enough room to install the extension, use the number
stamped on the main bar.

Note: Dynojet recommends you use the calibration arm with the extension unless
space constraints in your dyno room do not allow you to.

Figure A-3: Calibration Arm

Note: Follow the directions on the screen exactly. Failure to perform the
directions accurately will result in improper torque values.


Click Next to continue.

Figure A-4: Calibration Mass Window

calibration arm

main bar

calibration arm with
