AVer FX3000R User Manual
Page 54

: first number value will change when adjust the focus and will reach 100 when focus is done.
The second number is best focust value and always is 100.
: It meas the Quick Focus is enabled and ready for focus adjusment.
: It shows the foucs is adjusting.
: It shows the current foucs valus is 100% foucs.
CCTV Test Monitor
1. Connect the CCTV test monitor to IP camera.
2. Create a file named “FocusAssistant.txt” (The file nam is case senstive) in SD card. The
FoucsAssistant.txt file doesn’t need to enter any contents; just a empty file with the named
3. Insert the SD card into SD card slot of IP camera. Then, the Quick Foucs will be actived.
4. User should see 2 black blocks (number and text)are appeared. The number indicates the accurate
of focus value and text shows current focus status. The description of number and text refer to Web
UI interface part.