Know your pressure washer – Craftsman 580.753000 User Manual
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Read the owner’s manual and safety rules before operating your pressure washer.
Compare the illustrations with your pressure washer to familiarize yourself with the locations of various controls
and adjustments. Save this manual for future reference.
Fuel Tank
Accessory Tray
Throttle Lever
Choke Lever
Fuel Valve
Recoil Starter
{on front of engine)
Air Filter
Extension with
Quick Connect
Spray Tips
Chemical Injection
High Pressure
Spray Gun Water Inlet Outlet
Data Tag
Oil Fill Cap
Pump equipped with
Automatic Cool Down System
Accessory Tray;^ Pnovides; convenient;storage for
standard and optional accessories, such as brushes,....
turbo; wands,; ect.;;;;;;;;;;;;;; V
Ái;r;Fíiter;—; Prctetss; engine; by ;fi!teFtng; dust ;and;debris;;;;
out ;of ;intake; ain;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
Automatic; Goo! Down System: — :Gycles :wate.r :ftirough::
pump when; water tteach^;
°F; ;Warm water;wi!;l;;;;
discharge; frorn; pump; onto ;grour)d: ;f his; system prevents
jnfernal;puimp; dam^e;;;^
Chemical ;|hjectipn Siphon/Filter ;-^;Use ;tp sjphon
detergerit;or;oteer pressure washer; chernictels tntoThe;;;;;;
low; ptessUre;str^fT5;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
choke;Levef;-“ Prepares a cold engine for starting.
Data ;Tacj Provides model, revision and serial
numbef;of;pressure washer. Please have these readily
available;if calling for assistance.
Fiiel Tahk;—Fill;tank with; regular ;unjeaded;fuel;.; Always;
leave room for fuel ;expansion.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
Fuel Valve — ;Used to; turn fuel; on;and oft to engine.;;;;;;;
High Pressure Hose (not shown) — Connect one end
to the Water pump;and; the;other end to the spray gun.
: High: :Press;U;re ;OiiUet;rr-: To: connect.high pressure.
Nozzle ;Extension; with; Quick; GOnneCl — Allows you to
; switch; between ;four different ;spray tips ;and; turbo ;n;ozzie.
; Gil Fill Gap
oil;here: ;See; ;page;7 ;for
; oil; fill ;instruGtians;.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
; Pump ;Deye)op$; high ;pre;ssure.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
; RecoifSterter;—; U;se;fcr;$tarting ;the; engine; manually;.;;;
; spray Gun;—;
Controls; ;the; appiloation
of ;water ;onto;
; cteaning; ;sufface; wiMi;k'igger device;; Includes; safeh^;;;;;;;
; Spray Tips —
Ghemica); !п|есйст^;
О";; ;15“>;
; various ;high;pfC^Mt'CPibahihg; applications.; r P P;;;;;;;;;;;
Throttle;Lever---^Sets engine; in starting mode for
recoil starter and stops a running engine.
Water Inlet Gonnect garden;hose here.