Two Brothers Racing Honda XR50R User Manual
Page 4

14. Using a dremel(or similar) tool you will need to clearance the
inside of the case slightly for the new kickstarter gear. It is best
to install the gear first and look at how much material needs to
be removed. Please note that not a lot of material needs to be
removed in order to gain adequate clearance.
15. Before reassembly, thoroughly clean the cases and bearings
being sure to remove all debris. Relube the bearings with an
engine assembly lube (be sure to coat the gears as well) and
install the Takegawa 5 Speed Transmission
16. Reinstall the 10mm shfit drum bolt and rubber cover. This will
keep the transmission in place.
Remove the shift detent piece.
Install the new kick starter gear and spindle (# 010-3-04-001).
Check for smooth operation by spinning the transmission.
Reinstall the crankshaft and bolt the engine cases back
17. Reinstall the kick start spring assembly and check for proper
operation by installing the kick starter and pushing it down as if
you were kicking it. Make sure it returns after it is pushed
down and that it works properly.
Before installing the shiftshaft assembly you will need to trim it.
Cut just beyond the welded area (be sure NOT to cut the
weld). Do your cutting BEFORE installing the shiftshaft assem-
Install the detent arm in the reverse order you disassembled
them. Check for proper operation by spinning the shaft by
hand, it should spin smoothly.
Now you are ready to install the clutch (# 010-3-01-2632).
XR50R 5 Speed Transmission Instructions.qxd PAGE 4