Two Brothers Racing Kawasaki Teryx 750 EFI Dyna FS Ignition User Manual
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The DynaFS is pre-programmed with a single performance advance curve, +4° over stock, and a 9,000 RPM rev-limit. A quicker
throttle response and increased power over the stock curve is achieved. For other advance curve information, see the CurveMaker
software. This ignition will allow the engine to rev to a higher RPM, and is adjustable to 10,000 RPM max by using the
CurveMaker software. Because the rev limit is increased, the performance limits of other engine parts (valve train, piston or
crankshaft, for example) may be found. It may be necessary to replace these parts for best engine performance. The DFS2-19 is
shipped from Dynatek with 0% adjustments to all of the fuel injection settings. For more information on fuel settings, see the
section on Using the DRSP-1 Remote Programmer.
Picture 1: Crankshaft Position Sensor connection Picture 2: Injector and Throttle Position Sensor connection
Located left of the battery Located right of the throttle body
Picture 3: Ground connection Picture 4: Rear Ignition Coil
Located right of the battery Located right of engine
164 S. Valencia St., Glendora, CA 91741 800-928-3962