Tri-Tronics 2003 Basic Training User Manual

Page 38

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Conditioning the Dog that the Tone Means the
Same as a Command

You can train your dog to understand that the tone means the
same thing as a verbal or whistle command. It can be useful
when verbal or whistle commands might not be heard because
of distance. Also, you can use it when you don’t want others
a round you to hear the command.

Here is a procedure to train the dog that the tone means
the same as the “Come” command. You can substitute the
command of your choice for “Come” so long as it is one
that the dog already knows and can be reinforced with your
Remote Trainer. Don’t expect the dog to learn that the tone

means many different commands. It is usually best to reserve
it to mean just one command.

Conditioning the Dog that the Tone Means “Come”

1. After the dog has been introduced to the Remote Trainer

with the “Come” command (pages 22-24), begin pressing
the tone button just before you give the command to come.
For several sessions, do this every time you call the dog.

2. After several sessions, use only the tone to call the dog.

If he does not respond right away, immediately reinforce
a verbal “Come” command with a Remote Trainer. (You
must release the tone button before activating stimulation.)

3. You can now use either the tone or your verbal command

to “Come.” They both mean the same thing to the dog.

T R I - T R O N I C S

N o - S t i m u l a t i o n S i g n a l To n e

No-Stimulation Signal Tone

Page 35