Tri-Tronics 2003 Basic Training User Manual

Page 16

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chew something he shouldn’t, press the stimulation button.
If the dog does not respond to the correction, increase the
intensity by one level.

During this training period, do not give the dog any opport u n i t i e s

to chew the wrong things unless you can correct him with the
Remote Tr a i n e r. When you are not watching, confine him to an
a rea with only his approved chew toys.

O b s e rve the dog for three days after his most recent corre c t i o n

for chewing. During this period, always be pre p a red to corre c t
him if he tries to chew what he shouldn’t. When the dog can go

for three days without trying to chew the forbidden things, you

can usually consider your training completed for this pro b l e m .
Be pre p a red to repeat the training if chewing starts up again.

T R I - T R O N I C S

S t o p p i n g M i s b e h a v i o r s

Stopping Misbehaviors

Page 13

Destructive chewing – summary of steps

• Interest the dog in chew toys of his own before you

begin correcting him for chewing the wrong things.

• Use a pre-selected intensity level.

• Leave the dog in an area with things he’d like to chew

but shouldn’t and watch him.

• As soon as the dog starts to chew, press the stimulation


• If the dog ignores the correction, increase the intensity

by one level.

• Continue the training process until the dog has gone for

three days without trying to chew things he shouldn’t.

• During the training period, don’t give the dog a chance

to chew things he shouldn’t unless you can correct him
with the Remote Trainer.

• Encourage the dog to chew his toys after correcting

him for chewing the wrong things.