Tri-Tronics 2003 Basic Training User Manual
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T R I - T R O N I C S
O b e d i e n c e P r o g r a m
Procedure for Introducing The Remote Trainer
With the "Come" Command
1. Put your dog, wearing his Remote Trainer, on a 20-30
foot check cord. Let your dog wander around and relax.
2. Remind the dog one time about the check cord correction
before you use the Remote Trainer. Call the dog and give
a light pull on the check cord so that he turns and comes
to you.
3. Let the dog wander off and relax again. Call the dog when
he is looking away from you, and press the button of your
Remote Trainer at the same time. Give a light pull on the
check cord, causing the dog to turn toward you.
4. Release the stimulation the moment he turns and starts
to come.
5. Praise him for turning and starting to come.
6. If he doesn’t come all the way, press the button again as
you call him again. Tug the check cord again.
7. Release the dog after he’s come to you, and let him
wander around and relax.
8. Repeat steps 3 – 7 a few times. Then end the session with
some play time.
9. When you see the dog consistently responding just to
the Remote Trainer stimulus by turning promptly and not
needing the pull on the check cord, stop using the check
cord. He no longer needs the guidance from it. You should
see this behavior in your dog by at least the third session.
Some dogs will respond even sooner.
10. Also at this time, you should stop using stimulation with
the first command. From now on only use stimulation if
the dog ignores your first command to come.
Obedience Program
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