Tri-Tronics 2003 Basic Training User Manual

Page 23

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Use distractions later, to train your dog to be reliable.
Using a command in “real world” situations before a dog has
been taught to be reliable can have disappointing results,
because the dog will act confused. Some planned distraction
training is the “bridge” that many dogs need.

When you add distractions, add them gradually.
A confused dog can associate the stimulation with the
distraction itself, instead of with his own failure to obey a
command. Gradually increase training challenges in small

steps so he can succeed. Avoid using distractions that scare

a dog. Examples of how to use distractions are in the
Tri-Tronics Basic Training video.

You might need a higher level of intensity when

reinforcing commands around distractions.

This is normal for most dogs. After your dog has been
properly introduced to the Remote Trainer, don’t be afraid
to increase the intensity somewhat to help your dog learn
that he must obey your commands even when he’s
distracted. Don’t “nag” an experienced dog with
corrections he just shrugs off.

Keep your dog in "behavioral balance." Some commands
call for the dog to move somewhere—like “Come” and “Heel.”
Other commands call for him to remain stationary—like “Sit”
and “Down.” A dog that has become good at obeying one
type of command with the Remote Trainer will tend to offer
the same behavior even when given the opposite type of
command. He isn’t “being bad” when doing this, he’s actually

trying hard. We recommend that you alternate command
types. Teach a motion command over a few sessions, and
then choose a stationary command to work on next. If you

start with a stationary command, cover a motion one next.

Keep your dog’s lessons short, and break lessons down
into small sub-tasks.
Dogs learn in very small steps, and
they have short attention spans for formal training.

T R I - T R O N I C S

O b e d i e n c e P r o g r a m

Page 20

Basic Training With The Tri-Tronics Electronic Collar