Tri-Tronics 2003 Basic Training User Manual
Page 21

Aggression in dogs has many causes. Social dominance,
fearfulness, learned behavior, and physical problems, as well
as other factors, can all be involved. In some cases, aggression
can be successfully treated with a Remote Trainer, following
the proper procedure. In other cases, however, correcting the
aggressive dog with a Remote Trainer is not appropriate and
will not be successful. Because the causes of aggression can
be so varied and situations so unique, we recommend that
you consult a knowledgeable professional dog trainer or
animal behaviorist who has experience with aggressive dogs.
We do not recommend that you use the Remote Trainer to
treat your dog’s aggression without first getting professional
training help.
T R I - T R O N I C S
S t o p p i n g M i s b e h a v i o r s
Page 18
Basic Training With The Tri-Tronics Electronic Collar
Controlling barking – summary of steps.
• Use a pre-selected intensity level.
• Put the dog in a situation which will cause him to bark.
• Say “Quiet!” and press the continuous stimulation
button. Release it a moment later.
• Repeat this several times in the first session.
• Repeat this lesson for a week, finding different things
to cause barking. Do not correct every barking episode.
• If the dog isn’t responding after two sessions, increase
the intensity by one level.
• After a week of lessons, don’t press the button at all
with the first “Quiet!” command. Press the button only
if you must repeat the command.