Tri-Tronics 2003 Basic Training User Manual
Page 29

7. Repeat steps 2 – 6 a few times. Then end the session with
some play time.
8. When you see the dog anticipating the “Sit” command by
watching to see when you’ll stop, maybe even dropping
his rear as he walks (he is trying to “beat” the stimulation
by being all ready to sit), he is ready to move on to
distraction training. You should see this behavior in
your dog by at least the third session. Some dogs will
respond even sooner.
Add Distraction Training (the “Sit Stay”)
Now that your dog understands how to “turn off” the Remote
Trainer by sitting quickly on command, it is time to introduce
distractions and expect him to stay sitting even when
distracted. Train “Sit” in other training areas, and around
gradually increasing levels of distraction. Having an assistant
introduce mild distractions can be very helpful. During
distraction training, correct the dog with the Remote Trainer
if he responds to a distraction by standing up or moving away
from where he was sitting.
P ro c e d u re for Distraction Training With the
“Sit” Command
1. Have the dog at your side, on a check cord, and give the
Sit command without pressing the Remote Trainer button.
2 . After the dog is sitting, introduce the mild distraction.
3. If the dog moves, press the Remote Trainer button as you
give the “Sit” command.
4. Release the stimulation as the dog sits back down.
5. If the dog won’t sit back down, use your check cord and
repeat your “sit” command to get him to sit.
6. Calmly praise the dog when you see him make the
right choice and resist the temptation to move.
7. Gradually increase the level of distractions.
T R I - T R O N I C S
O b e d i e n c e P r o g r a m
Page 26
Basic Training With The Tri-Tronics Electronic Collar