Taylor-Wharton High Capacity GST Storage Tanks User Manual
Page 11

Vacuum System Components
Dimension and connection data for the GST-250 tanks can be found on the applicable General
Arrangement Drawing in this manual. Additional copies of these drawings may be requested from
the factory. Please include information on the tank model number and part number in making
requests for this drawing. The drawing part number is listed in the applicable Specification chart in
this manual.
Tank installation is the customer's responsibility. The tank is shipped in the horizontal position. If
the tank is secured on temporary wooden cradles, the cradles must be removed prior to erection of
the tank. Make certain the foundation used for the tank is designed for the conditions at the
installation site, and that it is suitable for the tank weight. Refer to local codes for recommended
foundation specifications. Employ experienced personnel to move and install the tank. Ensure that