Dell KVM 4322DS User Manual
Page 140

LDAP Feature for the RCS
From the Linux command prompt, type cat certificate.pem privatekey.pem
> webserver.pem, then convert the file from UNIX linefeed to DOS carriage
return/linefeed by typing unix2dos webserver.pem.
To export the CA certificate:
Within the Windows operating system, to open the Certificate Authority
management tool, click Start - All Programs - Administrative Tools -
Certificate Authority.
You may view properties of the certificate authority by right clicking on the
authority in the tree view and selecting Properties. The CA Properties
dialog box will open.
Click the General tab and the View Certificate button to open the
Certificate dialog box.
Click the Details tab then the Copy To File button. The Certificate Export
Wizard will open.
Click Next to begin using the wizard.
On the Export File Format screen select the Base-64 encoded X.509
(.CER) radio button and press the Next button.
On the File To Export screen enter or browse to a filename and path for the
exported certificate. Press the Next button.
Press the Finish button.
The resulting certificate file is properly formatted and readable by OpenSSL.
In general, it will be necessary to upload the CA certificate only once; however,
it will have to be uploaded again if the certificate is revoked, if it expires, or if
“Restore Factory Defaults” is selected from the serial console menu.
NOTE: The instructions above are written for a Microsoft Root CA certificate.
For other CAs, please check with the CA vendor.
NOTE: The Network Time Protocol (NTP) must be enabled for LDAPS to