Cisco 10008 User Manual

Page 23

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Cisco 10008 Router Performance Routing Engine 3 Installation


Upgrading Software

256503808 bytes total (230752256 bytes free)

Router# dir stby-disk0:

Directory of stby-disk0:/

1 -rw- 25750196 Mar 4 2000 00:14:56 +00:00 c10k3-p11-mz

257544192 bytes total (231792640 bytes free)

Step 5

Display the system image on bootflash.

Router# show run | i boot


boot system flash disk0:c10k3-p11-mz.mce_rp_isp-20060127


exception crashinfo file bootflash:crashinfo

Step 6

Enter global configuration mode.

Router# configure terminal

Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z.


Step 7

Remove the current image from bootflash in Disk0.

Router(config)# no boot system flash disk0:c10k3-p11-mz.mce_rp_isp-20060127

Step 8

Add the new image to bootflash in Disk0.

Router(config)# boot system flash disk0:c10k3-p11-mz

Step 9

Set the contents of the software configuration register to 0x2100. This new register setting will take
affect after the system reload in

Step 13


Router(config)# config-register 0x2100

Step 10

Return to privileged EXEC mode.

Router(config)# exit


Step 11

Copy the running configuration to the startup configuration.

Router# copy running-config startup-config

Destination filename [startup-config]?

Building configuration...


Step 12

Verify the running configuration is copied to the startup configuration on both PRE3s.

Router# show bootvar

BOOT variable = disk0:c10k3-p11-mz,1;

CONFIG_FILE variable =

BOOTLDR variable =

Configuration register is 0x0

Standby BOOT variable = disk0:c10k3-p11-mz,1;

Standby CONFIG_FILE variable =

Standby BOOTLDR variable =

Standby Configuration register is 0x0

Step 13

Reload the system by entering the reload command.

Router# reload

Proceed with reload? [confirm]