Server-based diagnostics, Server-based diagnostics -6, 6huyhu%dvhg'ldjqrvwlfv – Dell OptiPlex GX1p User Manual
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Dell OptiPlex GX1/GX1p Managed PC and OptiPlex NX1 Net PC Systems Service Manual
The server-based diagnostics contains tests that aid in troubleshooting major
components of the computer. To run the server-based diagnostics, follow
these steps:
Turn on all peripherals and the computer. If the system is already on, press >< Alt >< Del> to reboot the system. 2. If necessary, enter the System Setup program and set the system to boot from the network. Highlight the Boot Sequence option (see Figure A-1). Either press 3. Press the spacebar immediately after you see the following message: Press the If you wait more than 5 seconds before pressing the spacebar, the mes- Let the system complete the load operation; then shut down the system and try again. 4. Type f immediately after you see a menu to enter the firmware update services. If you wait more than 3 seconds before making a selection, the system 5. Enter a user name and password at the logon prompt. Contact the network administrator for information on system access. 6. Using the arrow keys, highlight Dell N 5 XXX Diagnostics and press 7. Select Run Once or Loop Continuously to begin the tests. The tests continue to run until an error is encountered. When an error is The server-based diagnostics consists of the following test groups: Coprocessor Tests — Check the math coprocessor’s numerical calculation CMOS Confidence Test — Checks the NVRAM for accessibility and reliabil- DMA Controller Test — Checks correct operation of the DMA controller
arrow key to display the Device List screen (see Figure A-2). Then move
the LANDesk Service Agent option above the Hard Drive C: option in the
Boot Device Priority list. Press
sage disappears and the load operation continues.
automatically enters the software services.
reported, you have the option of stopping or continuing the tests. When
the tests are completed or stopped, the total number of errors is reported;
there is no error log.
and error-handling abilities
ity of data storage