Dell Latitude Xpi CD User Manual
Page 81

Running the Dell Diagnostics
Hard-Disk Drives
Disk Controller Test
Forced Error-Correction-Code Test
Seek Test
Read Test
Write Test
Tests a drive that uses fixed, internal
disks. Also tests the associated control-
ling devices.
Drive Controller Test
Seek Test
Read Test
Audio Output Test
Eject Removable Media
Tests an IDE drive that uses re-
movable CD media. Also tests the asso-
ciated controlling devices.
Serial/Infrared Ports
Serial/Infrared Baud Rate Test
Serial/Infrared Interrupt Test
Serial/Infrared Internal Trans-
mission Test
Serial External Transmission Test
Tests the components through which
peripherals that use the serial or infrared
ports, such as communications devices,
send and receive data.
Requires external loopback connector.
Parallel Ports
Parallel Internal Test
Parallel External Loopback Test
Parallel External Interrupt Test
Parallel Printer Pattern Test
Tests the components through which
peripherals that use the parallel port,
such as printers, send and receive data.
SCSI Devices
Internal Diagnostic Test
Seek Test
Read Test
Write Test
Audio Output Test
Eject Removable Media Test
Display Information Test
Tests the SCSI controller in the Dell Lat-
itude XP/XPi Advanced Port Replicator
and all the SCSI devices attached to it.
Network Interface
Registers Test
Loopback Test
Shared RAM Test
Display Information Test
Tests the read and write access
capability of the network controller reg-
isters in the Dell Latitude XP/XPi
Advanced Port Replicator.
Table 4-2. Dell Diagnostics Tests
Test Groups
NOTE: For the full name of an abbreviation or acronym used in this table, see the Glossary in the online System User’s Guide.