Powervault nx1950 management console – Dell PowerVault NX1950 User Manual

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Deployment Guide


The Windows Unified Data Storage Server 2003 console opens in the

PowerVault NX1950 Management Console and allows administrators to

perform a majority of storage management tasks such as provisioning and

administering volumes, sharing folders, and managing iSCSI Software Targets.

Windows Unified Data Storage Server 2003 integrates the following snap-ins:

• PowerVault NX1950 Management console
• Microsoft iSCSI Software Target


The Microsoft iSCSI Software Target is not applicable to the

Dell EqualLogic gateway solution.

• Indexing service
• Local users and groups
• Event viewer
• Performance logs and alerts


Windows Unified Data Storage Server 2003 console is also referred to as

the PowerVault NX1950 storage system console.

The Windows Unified Data Storage Server 2003 console opens automatically

when you close the Initial Configuration Tasks window. If you have chosen the

option not to display the Initial Configurations Tasks window, the Windows

Unified Data Storage Server 2003 console opens automatically after the Dell

Storage Initialization wizard runs when you log in to the operating system as

an administrator. If the console does not open automatically or you have

closed it, you can open it manually using administrator privileges.
To open the Windows Unified Data Storage Server 2003 console, click

StartAll ProgramsAdministrative ToolsWindows Unified Data

Storage Server 2003.

PowerVault NX1950 Management Console

The PowerVault NX1950 Management console can be used to perform the

various tasks listed in Table 1-2 using the adjacent snap-ins.