Icls on dcx/dcx-4s, Native connectivity (m-eos interoperability), Port initialization – Dell POWEREDGE M1000E User Manual

Page 38: Port mirroring, Port statistics

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Fabric OS v7.1.0a Release Notes v1.0

Page 38 of 41

Virtual Fabrics must be enabled on the chassis and loop devices may only be attached to ports on
a 48-port or 64-port blade assigned to a non-Default Logical Switch operating with the default 10-
bit addressing mode (they may not be in the default Logical Switch).

A maximum of 144 ports may be used for connectivity to loop devices in a single Logical Switch within
a chassis in 10-bit dynamic area mode on DCX-4S.

A maximum of 112 ports may be used for connectivity to loop devices in a single Logical Switch within
a chassis in 10-bit dynamic area mode on DCX.

Loop devices continue to be supported when attached to ports on the FC8-16, FC8-32 with no new



If a DCX with an 8-link ICL license is connected to a DCX with a 16-link license, the DCX with the 16-
link license will report enc_out errors. The errors are harmless, but will continue to increment. These
errors will not be reported if a DCX with a 16-link license is connected to a DCX-4S with only 8-link ICL

If ICL ports are disabled on only one side of an ICL link, the enabled side may see enc_out errors


Native Connectivity (M-EOS interoperability)

A switch running FOS v7.0 or later cannot form E-port connectivity with any M-EOS platform.

Platform running FOS v7.1 does not support EX port configuration in Interopmode 2 or Interopmode 3.

Device sharing between a switch running FOS v7.1 and McDATA fabrics is allowed via Integrated
Routing platforms using FOS v7.0.x (or earlier) firmware.

Port Initialization

Users may observe that a port is in “Port Throttled” state when an F_Port is being initialized. This is mostly an
informational message that is shown in switchshow output indicating systematic initialization of F_Ports.

However, a port may remain in “Port Throttled” state for an extended period of time and may never come
online if it fails to negotiate speed successfully with the neighboring port. Users are advised to check the speed
setting of the neighboring switch port to determine the cause of the speed negotiation failure.

Example Output:

74 9 10 36ed40 id N8 In_Sync FC Disabled (Port

Port Mirroring

Port Mirroring is not supported on the Brocade 7800.

Port Statistics

On 16G capable ports, the enc_in (number of encoding errors inside of frames) and enc_out
(number of encoding errors outside of frames) counters will not be updated when a port is operating
at either 10G or 16G speed. This is due to the different encoding scheme used at 10G and 16G
speeds when compared to 8G/4G/2G speeds. Because of this, Fabric Watch alerts and Port Fencing
based on ITW (Invalid Transmission Word) thresholds will not function as these enc_in and enc_out
counters will not be incremented when operating at either 10G or 16G (ITW is computed based on
enc_in and enc_out counters). Also any CLI or GUI that displays enc_in and enc_out counters will
show no incrementing of these counters when a port is operating at either 10G or 16G.

Both enc_in and enc_out counters contain valid information when a Condor3-based port is operating
at speeds other than 10G and 16G.