Cecilware GB-IT User Manual
Page 7

1. Grand Total – This parameter indicates the total amount of water dispensed (in ounces or milliliters) for the entire machine. The Grand
Total does not include Rinse Dispenses. The maximum Grand Total value is 16,777,216 ounces; after which the value will begin again
from zero. This parameter cannot be reset to zero. Default Values has no effect on this parameter.
2. Dispense Total – This parameter indicates the total amount of water dispensed (in ounces or milliliters) for a selected hopper. The
Dispense Total does not include Rinse Dispenses. The maximum Dispense Total value is 16,777,216 ounces; after which the value will
begin again from zero. This parameter cannot be reset to zero. Default Values has no effect on this parameter.
3. Dispense Counter – This parameter indicates the total number of cups dispensed for a selected Serving Size. The Dispense Counter
does not include Rinse Dispenses. The maximum Dispense Counter value is 49,999; after which the value will begin again from zero. In
Service Mode this parameter can be reset to zero by simultaneously depressing the and Keys. Default Values has no effect on this
4. Dispense Mode – This parameter determines whether the system dispenses in a continuous (Free Flow) or fixed size (Portion Control)
method. The default setting for this parameter is Portion Control.
5. Serving Size – This parameter determines the amount of water dispensed for each Dispense Key when the Dispense Mode is set to
Portion Control. The default settings are as follows: Small = 6.0 ounces, Medium = 8.0 ounces, Large = 12.0 ounces. The
minimum Serving Size is 2.0 ounces. The maximum Serving Size is 64.0 ounces.
6. Gram Throw – This parameter determines the ratio of product to water during a Dispense for a selected Hopper. The units of measure
for Gram Throw are proportional to Auger Turns per ounce of water. At a Fill Constant of 1.00 ounces per second the maximum Gram
Throw is 100 and the minimum Gram Throw is 20. The maximum and minimum values are scaled proportional to a Fill Constant of 1.00
ounces per second. For example: if the Fill Constant is set to 1.30 ounces per second the maximum Gram Throw would be (100*1.00)/1.3
= 77. This prevents the user from requesting a Gram Throw that is beyond the capability of the Auger Motor. Auger Start and Stop Times
have no effect on this parameter. The default setting for this parameter is 75.
7. Auger Start Time – This parameter sets the time that the Auger starts to turn relative to the activation (opening) of the Dump Valve. A
positive value indicates an Auger starting at some time after the opening of the Dump Valve. A negative number indicates an Auger
starting at some time before the opening of the Dump Valve. The minimum Auger Start Time = (-3.0) seconds. The maximum Auger Start
Time is 3.0 seconds. The default value for this parameter is 0.3 seconds.
8. Mixer Start Time – This parameter sets the time that the Mixer starts to turn relative to the activation (opening) of the Dump Valve. A
positive value indicates a Mixer starting at some time after the opening of the Dump Valve. A negative number indicates a Mixer starting at
some time before the opening of the Dump Valve. The minimum Mixer Start Time = (-3.0) seconds. The maximum Mixer Start Time is 3.0
seconds. The default value for this parameter is 0.3 seconds.
9. Auger Stop Time – This parameter sets the time that the Auger stops turning relative to the de-activation (closing) of the Dump Valve. A
positive value indicates an Auger stopping at some time after the closing of the Dump Valve. A negative number indicates an Auger
stopping at some time before the closing of the Dump Valve. The minimum Auger Stop Time = (-3.0) seconds. The maximum Auger Stop
Time is 3.0 seconds. The default value for this parameter is 0.3 seconds.
10. Mixer Stop Time – This parameter sets the time that the Mixer stops turning relative to the de-activation (closing) of the Dump Valve. A
positive value indicates a Mixer stopping at some time after the closing of the Dump Valve. A negative number indicates a Mixer stopping
at some time before the closing of the Dump Valve. The minimum Mixer Stop Time = (-3.0) seconds. The maximum Mixer Stop Time is
3.0 seconds. The default value for this parameter is 0.6 seconds.
11. Fill Constant – This parameter is set to the actual Fill Rate of all of the Dump Valves. All Dump Valves in a system must be adjusted so
that they have equal Fill Rates. The maximum Fill Constant is 4.00 ounces per second. The minimum Fill Constant is 0.50 ounces per
second. The maximum and minimum values are scaled proportional to a Gram Throw of 100. For example: if the highest Gram Throw
setting is 77 then the maximum Fill Constant would be (100*1.00)/77 = 1.30. This prevents the user from requesting a Gram Throw that is
beyond the capability of the Auger Motor. The default setting for this parameter is 1.30 ounces per second.
12. Rinse Dispense Time – This parameter determines the amount of time that the Dump Valve is open during a Rinse Cycle. The minimum
Rinse Time = 3 seconds. The maximum Rinse Time is 15 seconds. The default value for this parameter is 6 seconds.