Bio-Rad VersaFluor™ Fluorometer User Manual

Page 11

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Fig. 4.2. Optical system.

Emitted fluorescent light from the cuvette is focused by the spherical mirror and passes

through the first aspheric lens. The emission filter allows light specific to the fluorescent com-
pound to reach a second aspheric lens which directs the fluorescent light to the photodiode
detector. The detector system is a broad spectrum photodiode with analog circuitry to ampli-
fy the signal. The amplified analog signal is converted into a digital signal and processed by
the controlling microprocessor before being sent to the fluorescence units display. The num-
ber in the Fluorescence Units Display (Section 2.2) represents the relative fluorescent units


PD detector

Emission filter

Aspheric lens

Spherical mirror

Excitation filter

Quartz light
