Bio-Rad Whole Gel Eluter and Mini Whole Gel Eluter User Manual

Page 11

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8. Carefully excise the part of the gel within the template with a razor. (See diagram below.)

Use a downward, chopping motion when cutting the gel. Drawing the blade through
the gel will cause it to tear. It is very important to insure parallel alignment of the protein
bands with the chambers of the eluter for sharply defined and reproducible fractionation
of proteins. With experience, it should be possible to achieve a high degree of gel-to-gel

Carefully excise the part of the gel within the template with a razor.

9. Starting at one end, gently lay the excised gel in the elution chamber so that the protein

bands are parallel to the channels. Do not introduce air bubbles under the gel.

10. Soak two sheets of precut upper chamber filter paper in the elution buffer, then lay them

on top of the gel, working out any air bubbles with the roller provided.

11. Blot any excess buffer and thoroughly dry the two raised areas containing the aspiration

ports. Seal these ports with the tabs provided or use transparent tape folded back on itself
to form a tab. (See diagram below.)

Sealing tabs cover all elution ports before running the eluter.


Sealing tab